Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chicago political corruption machine goes after conservative candidate

Rosanna for Congress


Conservative candidate, Rosanna Pulido, is running for U.S. Representative for the 5th Congressional District in Illinois. Ms. Pulido is a long time proponent of enforcement of our immigration laws, who is being attacked and lied about by The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee rights. Their press release follows. Be aware, this is full of lies. I enjoyed letting them know how I felt about it at
5th CD Petitions of Anti-Immigrant Candidate Challenged
Tue, 01/27/2009 - 10:11

Chicago, Illinois – On Monday, January 26, 2009, at 3:29 pm, Joshua Hoyt, as a private citizen and a constituent of the 5th Congressional District, filed a challenge to the nominating petitions of Rosanna Pulido, the anti-immigrant activist and founder of the Illinois Minutemen Project who is currently running for U.S. Representative for the 5th Congressional District. The following is a press release from Joshua Hoyt:

Today the 5th District Congressional candidacy petitions of Rosanna Pulido, founder of the Illinois Minutemen Project, were challenged before the Illinois State Board of Elections. Her petitions were challenged in his personal capacity by Josh Hoyt, a voter in the 5th Congressional District and the Director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. Ms. Pulido filed to run as a Republican candidate for Congressman on Monday, January 27th, 2009. The primary to choose Democratic and Republican candidates to replace outgoing Congressman Rahm Emanuel will take place on March 3, 2009. Mr. Hoyt is represented by attorney Thomas Jaconetty, an accomplished Illinois election law lawyer.

Ms. Pulido is an infamously intemperate opponent of illegal immigration, gays, and the Catholic Church. When Ms. Pulido testified before the Illinois House of Representatives this past spring she claimed, “If the Church succeeds in its mission it will destroy the United States of America.” More recently Ms. Pulido has worked for the anti-immigrant group FAIR, denoted a “Hate Group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Josh Hoyt challenged the petitions stating that 516 of the 702 signatures were invalid, with many signers living out of the district, with entire sheets having no date of notarization, and with many mismatching signatures. “We are a nation of laws,” stated Mr. Hoyt, “and certainly our election processes should be a place where the rules are respected. If Ms. Pulido cannot follow our election laws and collect even 319 valid signatures then she should not be allowed to be on the ballot. We expect to conduct a vigorous petition challenge,” said Mr. Hoyt. “Our election laws are the law of the land, and we certainly would not want a candidate on the ballot who submits invalid signatures and notarizations.”

Mr. Hoyt further commented, “For years Ms. Pulido has poisoned the immigration debate with her vitriol, preventing rational debate on reasonable solutions for our broken immigration system. Now it is clear that her demagoguery was only to build a platform for her political ambitions. That is our experience with the loudest voices on the anti-immigrant side of this debate – they are either bitter personal failures or else cynical bullies abusing immigrants in order to forward their own crass personal ambitions. Sometimes they are both.”

“If Ms. Pulido’s has not followed the rules and does not have enough valid signatures to be on the ballot, then the 5th CD will be mercifully spared from her hateful rants in pursuit of her own political ambitions.”

Visit Rosanna's website here:

She is meeting with her attorneys this morning in an effort to address the false charges.

If the open border crowd is this upset and so willing to distort her record , she's already making a difference!

Read the endorsement for Ms. Pulido from a 2nd amendment rights group.

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