Saturday, December 06, 2008

If you love America, read "JESUS WEPT" An American Story

"Jesus Wept" An American Story of Struggle, Sacrifice, Faith & Hope

Traverse the settling of the United States with the Bell Family. Follow them from just after the Revolution, over the Trail of Tears to the 1849 Gold Rush of California, through battles of the Civil War in Indian Territory and Arkansas.

Meet their Union and Confederate neighbors, their enemies, their slaves. Each of them tell their personal, poignant experience of life including reconstruction of the war torn South and the turn of the century.

Historical and political events are described by the participants, using volumes of family letters, documented interviews of freed slaves and military records. The events present a unique landscape.

Enjoy the ride, take in the view.
2008 All rights reserved.
Read more about it and order here:

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