Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Under the Radar! Identity Theft law signed by Bush???

Well, I saw nothing reported on this one and we're having problems locating text of the bill. The White House calls it "The Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution Act of 2007". It is not listed under that name on Thomas.gov.

We did find a listing of the bill here, furnished by a group opposed to it.

One section of the bill addressing the use of Social Security numbers could interfere with the legitimate use of those numbers in identifying employees for purposes of immigration compliance, wages and benefits.

The National Retail Federation, the world's largest retail trade association, expressed concern today regarding the credit freeze provision and other requirements of a national uniform standard for data breach notification that would be created under an identity theft bill being considered by a Senate committee.

The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee is scheduled to vote this afternoon on S. 1178, the Identity Theft Protection Act of 2007, sponsored by committee Ranking Member Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. See complete text of the Identity Theft Protection Act of 2007 below.


According to several sources, one thing it doesn't do is mention one word about immigration, border enforcement or misuse of social security numbers by illegal aliens.

One thing it does is provide victims the means to collect damages.....right! How much do you suppose you'll get from an illegal alien. LOL!

Another thing it does is - "
Providing fake IDs for non-terrorism-related crimes would carry a two-year prison term."

Please give your expertise on this, but I'm pretty sure the penalty was stiffer for this before! In other words are identity theft ring leaders now only facing 2 years?

Also, "
A provision imposing mandatory five-year prison terms would apply to people convicted of using or providing fake IDs to help terrorists. "

Five years? Isn't that at least aiding terrorism/treason/ something!!!! Or are 11 year prison sentences only for border agents under the DOJ gun?

After signing the bill, President Bush remarked,
"If America shows weakness or uncertainty in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy."


This bill is a result of the President's task force to write the bill.

About the Task Force

The President’s Task Force on Identity Theft was established by Executive Order 13402 on May 10, 2006, launching a new era in the fight against identity theft. Recognizing the heavy financial and emotional toll that identity theft exacts from its victims, and the severe burden it places on the economy, President Bush called for a coordinated approach among government agencies to combat this crime.

The President’s charge was to craft a strategic plan aiming to make the federal government’s efforts more effective and efficient in the areas of identity theft awareness, prevention, detection, and prosecution. To meet that charge, the Task Force, chaired by Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and co-chaired by Federal Trade Commission Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras, focused on several areas: (NOT IMMIGRATION!)

Chertoff and Carlos M. Gutierrez of Commerce were also on the 'task force".

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