Thursday, May 10, 2007

News you missed!! Best of the web...

As you know by now, unless you're living under a rock, several illegal alien Albanian muslim jihadists were going to blow up a militay base! Don't miss Michelle Malkins article on this. Some “Thank You” [Fort Dix incident] Our hospitality and open borders are exploited again.

The link between the southern border and terrorism has been evident for some time, regardless of the naysayers. I would like to take this opportunity to express to my liberal friends and relatives and the marooons in DC, "I TOLD YOU SO!"

Even a semi open border senator got it a long time ago!
March 16, 2005“We have new warnings that terrorists plan to gain entry to our country through our southern border,” Sen. Hutchison added. “We must immediately act on these warnings and protect our homeland.”
And even Rumsfeld put out the warning! (2005)
DOBBS: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is warning of the threat of terrorists entering this country through the same routes as those used by illegal aliens. Secretary Rumsfeld, traveling in South America, warned that enemies look for weaknesses and take advantage of them.
DONALD RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: The risk is that some of these human-smuggling routes into our country from this hemisphere could be used just as easily for terrorists.
DOBBS: And three million illegal aliens are estimated to be entering this country this year.
Secretary Rumsfeld also said the United States has to be, as he put it, smarter and quicker in securing our borders. The federal government’s failure to secure those borders is leading individual states to take action. Arizona’s Proposition 200, which limits state benefits for illegals, passed overwhelmingly two weeks ago. Now at least half a dozen other states are considering similar measures.

CASA of Maryland Teaches Invaders How To Avoid Deportation With Comic Book
A Maryland-based invader-advocacy group is distributing comic books instructing those targeted by federal immigration agents during job-site raids not to cooperate with authorities if they are arrested or detained.
The eight-page, two-color illustrated book lists what rights “people who are not United States citizens” have if detained by immigration agents, details what to do if served with a warrant or charged with a crime, and urges them to remain silent if they are arrested.
The book also says they should refuse to provide authorities with any information about their immigration status.
Included in the book is a “Know Your Rights” card to be cut out and presented to arresting agents, showing that those detained choose to exercise their “right to remain silent, the right to refuse to answer your questions” and to “refuse to sign anything until I consult with my attorney.”
The book, which features cartoonlike drawings of armed black and white police officers escorting Hispanic men in handcuffs and shows babies crying because their fathers are behind bars, is the product of CASA of Maryland Inc., working with other organizations.
Gustavo Torres, CASA’s executive director, has not been available for comment.
Footnote! Today on Lou Dobbs he discusses that the Washington post gives $$$ to this outfit!
The link between the southern border and terrorism has been evident for some time, regardless of the naysayers. I would like to take this opportunity to express to my liberal friends and relatives and the marooons in DC, "I TOLD YOU SO!"

Even a semi open border senator got it a long time ago!

March 16, 2005“We have new warnings that terrorists plan to gain entry to our country through our southern border,” Sen. Hutchison added. “We must immediately act on these warnings and protect our homeland.”
And even Rumsfeld put out the warning! (2004)

DOBBS: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is warning of the threat of terrorists entering this country through the same routes as those used by illegal aliens. Secretary Rumsfeld, traveling in South America, warned that enemies look for weaknesses and take advantage of them.
DONALD RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: The risk is that some of these human-smuggling routes into our country from this hemisphere could be used just as easily for terrorists.
DOBBS: And three million illegal aliens are estimated to be entering this country this year.
Secretary Rumsfeld also said the United States has to be, as he put it, smarter and quicker in securing our borders. The federal government’s failure to secure those borders is leading individual states to take action. Arizona’s Proposition 200, which limits state benefits for illegals, passed overwhelmingly two weeks ago. Now at least half a dozen other states are considering similar measures.

Did you know the US Gov. gives LaRaza 5 to 10 million dollars every year?
I bet they give CAIR tax money too, I'm afraid to find out. Pretty nice scam, eh?
Sponsor: Rep Hinojosa, Ruben [TX-15] COSPONSOR Rep Renzi, Rick [AZ-1]
To authorize appropriations for assistance for the National Council of La Raza and the Raza Development Fund.
(b) Authorization of Appropriations- There is authorized to be appropriated for grants under this section—
(1) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
(2) $10,000,000 for each fiscal year thereafter.
******only 2 percent of food shipments from China are inspected by the FDA.**********
Listen to Rudy meltdown over ferrets!!.
It’s always worth recapping Giuliani’s famous riposte to a ferret owner who called in to the mayor’s weekly radio show to protest the city’s ban on them as pets:
Rudy: “There is something deranged about you.… The excessive concern you have for ferrets is something you should examine with a therapist.… There is something really, really very sad about you.… This excessive concern with little weasels is a sickness.… You should go consult a psychologist.… Your compulsion about—your excessive concern with it is a sign that there is something wrong in your personality.… You have a sickness, and I know it’s hard for you to accept that.… You need help.”
Also audio of it here:

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