Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mt. Soledad Cross Victory: ACLU Loss-Thank you DUNCAN HUNTER!

Mt. Soledad Cross Victory: ACLU Loss
Source: Thomas Moore Law Center
URL Source: NewsID=528
Published: Feb 22, 2007

[snip] ANN ARBOR, MI – The California Supreme Court, yesterday, affirmed the precedent-setting decision of a California appellate court, which upheld the right of the people of San Diego to transfer the Mt. Soledad veterans memorial and cross to the federal government. At the same time, the Court denied the ACLU’s attempt to prevent the publication of the lower court decision favorable to the cross and veterans memorial. The ACLU was seeking to have the decision suppressed so that it would not be used against them in future lawsuits.

The Thomas More Law Center, a national, public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, attacked by the other side because it was a Christian advocacy group, figured prominently in the victory. The Law Center represented San Diegans for the Mt. Soledad National War Memorial in the successful appeal, and it represented them in opposing Paulson’s petition to the California Supreme Court. The Law Center also filed a lengthy objection to the ACLU’s request for depublication.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel for the Law Center, commented, “This is a major victory for religious freedom, the democratic process, and for the people of San Diego who voted overwhelmingly to preserve the historic Mt. Soledad veterans memorial and cross for future generations.” Thompson commented further, “It was also important for us to defeat the ACLU’s sinister plan to have the decision of the California appellate court depublished. The ACLU wanted the decision depublished so it could continue with its anti-Christian agenda free from opposing precedent. This appellate court decision will forever be a stumbling block for the ACLU—and we are pleased about that.”


The article doesn't mention that one big reason why this cross was saved and the ACLU lost (Yay!)was the actions of one man.

Duncan Hunter.

[snip] In its filing with the California Supreme Court, the ACLJ represents itself and 20 members of the 110th Congress including Congressman Duncan Hunter of California who sponsored legislation that transferred control of the Mt. Soledad Memorial to the federal government. That legislation was signed into law by President Bush in August 2006.

"If you want to start coming to America, you're going to have to start knocking on the front door," he said. "That fence is going to be up, that back door is going to be closed." Duncan Hunter

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