Sunday, February 11, 2007

Agents Ramos and Compean, the saga continues....

Now it's a cold prison cell every day,
Bein' hunted by the Gangs they used to put away!
Find out who, find out how,
Justice locks up good men now.
Slick Texas lawyer Sutton's makin' political hay!

Glenn BECK: Congressman, why is this happening? What is the agenda? There are secret combinations happening in Washington. They`re not telling us the truth.

Cong. CULBERSON: I`m told that when asked directly by Sarah Carter, a reporter with the "Valley News" in California -- she`s a reporter who`s been following this. Sarah Carter, I am told, asked Johnny Sutton directly what message does it send to Border Patrol agents for you to prosecute these two agents for doing their duty.

Johnny Sutton`s reaction was, I am told, what message does it send to Hispanic voters. I think that`s an absolute insult to Hispanic Americans, because if you are a law abiding citizen, you want the law enforced, my neighbors -- my neighborhood to be safe and my kids to be safe. We must enforce the law. We need to have the rule of law and order on the border, Glenn. You`re going to have the rule of ploto o plomo (ph), which is the rule of the drug lords. Silver or lead.

More photos here from the rally:

(the 3rd referred to here is officer Gilmer, also prosecuted by Johnny Sutton for protecting our borders!)

Congressman: Convicted agent's injuries are worse than reported
By Sara A. Carter, Staff Writer

An imprisoned former Border Patrol agent who was beaten in his sleep has injuries that are more serious than previously reported, said a congressman on Friday.

Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., met with Ignacio Ramos, who was convicted in March for the nonfatal shooting of a Mexican drug smuggler. Ramos is serving an 11-year sentence at Yazoo Correctional Complex in Mississippi.

Tancredo said he was astonished at the injuries on Ramos' body, which he said did not coincide with reports from the prison earlier this week that described his injuries as "minor."

"His bruises were deep and severe," Tancredo said. "His arm, chest and back are black and blue with broken blood vessels on his arm. It was terrible."

Must see video from 2/10/2007 rally for Ramos and Compean. A Brown Supremacist descrates our flag and AMERICANS tell him what they think!

Border agents to be fired for testimonies ^ | 02/10/2007 | Sara A. Carter

Two Border Patrol agents who testified against two co-workers convicted of shooting a drug smuggler will be fired for changing their stories about events surrounding the shooting, according to documents obtained by The Sun's sister newspaper, the Ontario-based Inland Valley Daily Bulletin.

Sources inside the Border Patrol also say Oscar Juarez, a third agent who testified against Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, resigned from the agency last month shortly before he was to be fired.

All three agents gave sworn testimony against Ramos and Compean for the U.S. Attorney's Office, which successfully prosecuted the shooting case in March. The three agents were given immunity in exchange for their testimony despite changing their accounts of the incident several times.

"When you give deals to witnesses like immunity, the government usually gets the testimony (it wants)," said Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, a former judge and prosecutor. "This case is a perfect example."

False allegations in border case
The washington Times ^ | February 10, 2007 | Editorial

In a meeting in September, officials from the Department of Homeland Security office of the Inspector General briefed Reps. John Culberson, Ted Poe, Kenny Marchant and Michael McCaul on a strange story about a two border patrol agents facing criminal charges for shooting a Mexican national, who was offered immunity in exchange for his testimony, even though he was in the United States illegally and driving a truck loaded with 743 pounds of marijuana near Fabens, Texas. The DHS officials explained the case in such a way as to effectively forestall serious inquiry into the case by the four Texas Republicans. During the course of the investigation, the officials claimed, the agents had stated that at no point during the incident were they in fear for their lives and that they were out "to shoot a Mexican."

But neither charge against Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean is supported by the DHS inspector general's report, released this week after four months and numerous congressional requests. The report contradicts the first claim: In his sworn statement, included in the report, Compean says he and the Mexican national, Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, "was pointing something shiny with his left hand. It looked like a gun. This is when I started shooting." The second claim, that the agents wanted "to shoot a Mexican," is never made in the report and appears to be blatantly untrue. Said Mr. Culberson: "[DHS Inspector General] Richard Skinner admitted yesterday under oath that his top deputies gave Members of Congress false information painting Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean as rogue cops."

1 comment:

  1. You quoted the exact part of the Glenn Beck interview that I had heard part of the other day. I looked for a transcript so I could quote it on my blog, but couldn't find it. So thanks for quoting it.
    I was incredulous that Sutton could be so blatantly political, mentioning the 'Hispanic voters'. It's obvious it's all political, the case against the agents.
