Sunday, February 04, 2007

2008 GOP RINO Collector cards & Hunter quotes!

These are priceless, from a FR poster. I'm sure someone could come up with more of them! We need a few for immigration!

NOW, some quotes from Duncan Hunter:

"COSCO has a very long and troubling record of shipping both weapons and components of mass destruction around the world," said Rep. Hunter. "For all practical purposes, COSCO is the merchant marine of the Chinese military. As a result, they carry the cargo of the Chinese military upon command and without question. We do not need to increase their access to American soil."

"At a time
when the Army faces a shortage of $1.7 billion in basic ammunition and our Marines are short $193 million, the highway bill contains $9 billion in funding for such things as a botanical garden, museum exhibits and a film on ‘infrastructure awareness.'

While I support funding to build and repair our highways and this bill has many good projects, I could not in good conscience vote for legislation which overspends the balanced budget and will possibly take money away from our national defense."

"I'm very proud
to have received this award," said Hunter. "The small business community is a vital part of America's economy, but far too often, they are forced to function under too many regulations and heavy tax burdens. I believe this is wrong, and I will continue working to remove these obstacles and allow small businesses to earn their full potential."

Congressman Hunter's legislation, the Common Sense Census Act of 2000, will require people to answer only the seven standardized questions contained in both the short and long form. Providing any additional information would become optional. The legislation also removes the $100 per question penalty for refusing to answer any non-standardized questions.

"This legislation will bring common sense back to the census process by returning it to its original purpose, to count," stated Hunter. "If people would like to provide additional information, they can do so, but they shouldn't be forced to pay a penalty if they don't feel comfortable answering some of the questions."

"Opening the border and allowing trucks from Mexico to travel U.S. highways, however, does not result in better border relations. This action leads to unsafe highways and a loss of thousands of American trucking jobs."

"When an act of violence is taken against a pregnant woman, two crimes have been committed," said Hunter. "The mother and the child she carries both become victims and the law should punish perpetrators accordingly. This legislation protects those who are most vulnerable, our unborn children."

"To make matters worse, the federal border agencies, in order to avoid paying the costs associated with healthcare delivery to the injured alien, will report an emergency situation to local emergency personnel without officially taking control of the alien. As a result, when the ambulance picks up the undocumented alien for transport to the nearest hospital, they are also accepting total financial obligations for the immigrant. It is unacceptable for federal agencies to be passing on their responsibilities to our already financially-strapped local communities. This practice must come to an end."

"Partial-birth abortion denies a baby the right to live at the last minute legally possible. I cannot imagine something more cruel and this procedure should be considered for what it is, a crime. Our responsibility is to protect innocent children, not deny them the opportunity to live."

“This program will enable the Pentagon to find the most qualified and cost efficient companies to provide the military with the private services they require,” said Congressman Hunter, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. “This approach will either eliminate unnecessary spending, or validate the companies with which the DOD is doing business. Both are positive results.”

Today’s vote is an investment in America’s future,” said Congressman Hunter. “Through this legislation, we are taking the necessary steps toward reducing the deficit, renewing our commitment to the American taxpayer, and responsibly addressing our new fiscal realities.”

America is handcuffed by unfair trade deals, Hunter said. Giving an example, Hunter said if a product cost $100 to produce in China, the Chinese government will subsidize the business $17. The Chinese are also devaluing their currency, which makes their goods less expensive.

"They have a 34-point spread on the scoreboard before opening kickoff," he said.

"It's not in our interest to have a one-way trade street with China that sends billions of surplus dollars to China every year that they use to buy military equipment we may face one day on the battlefield," he said.

"You come to the United States by getting a ticket to Mexico and walking across the land border. Border security is now national security. We have no way to know who's coming into our country," the 14-term congressman said in a speech

Today my friends, the Arsenal of Democracy is being pulled away. Massive production of textiles, steel and machine tools are no longer found in South Carolina, or Ohio, or Pennsylvania, nor dozens of other states. In fact, as Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, when I sent my team to get more steel to protect troops against roadside bombs in Iraq, they found only one company in the U.S. making armor plate grade steel.

As President, I will complete the border fence from start to finish in six months. The "mission impossible" crowd who runs Washington, DC is trying to stop it, but we will overcome them.

We need more agents, we need the fence. I'll tell you why.

Since 9-11, border security has become national security. In 2005, we stopped 155,000 people coming across from Mexico who weren't citizens of Mexico. They came from nearly every country in the world, including from Communist China and Iran.

You know, for all the critics, America has the most generous legal immigration system in the world. I call that the front door. And as President, I will have a message for folks who want to come to our wonderful country: "Knock on the front door because the fence will be up and the back door will be closed."

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