Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pres. Candidate Duncan Hunter speaks out for Compean & Ramos

Some In Congress Working To Keep Two Border Patrol Agents Out Of Jail
And two former U.S. Border Patrol agents scheduled to go to prison next week for doing their job shooting a Mexican drug smuggler given immunity by the U.S. Justice Department. Some in Congress are furious.

CNN/Lou Dobbs Tonight aired 1/10/2007

CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Texas congressman Ted Poe led a group of lawmakers demanding the Justice Department not oppose a request that former Border Patrol agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos remain out of prison while their convictions for shooting an illegal alien Mexican drug smuggler are appealed. As we've reported, Ramos and Compean received 11 and 12-year sentences, while the Bush administration gave the wounded, allegedly unarmed drug smuggler, immunity from prosecution. REP. TED POE (R), TEXAS: And our federal government had the choice to make of being on the side a drug dealer who was bringing in a million dollars worth of drugs, or the side of two border agents that apparently were just enforcing the rule of law.

WIAN: Among issues expected to be raised during the agents' appeal, the grant of immunity and other benefits given to Oscar Aldrete-Davila, who was caught again smuggling an even bigger load of dope into the United States. And allegations of jury misconduct.

Texas federal judge Kathleen Cardone (ph) is expected to rule later this week on the agents' request to remain free until the appeal is heard.

REP. DUNCAN HUNTER (R), CALIFORNIA: " In this case, we'll have two of our best Border Patrol agents put in confinement with the very people that they brought to justice.

That's like sending our soldiers or our Marines who have been -- who have been prosecuted into a confinement with al Qaeda."

REP. WALTER JONES (R), NORTH CAROLINA: I am very, very disappointed in the indifference by this White House as it relates to these two men and their families.

WIAN: Under their current bail agreement, Ramos and Compean are not allowed to appear together. Compean spoke for both.

JOSE COMPEAN, FMR. BORDER PATROL AGENT: Speaking for my fellow agents continuing to hold the line, I want to thank you, the American people, for all of your support.

WIAN: More than 220,000 Americans have signed petitions demanding the former agents be pardoned.
PLUS This horrible story! All CULTURES are NOT the same! We have enough of our home grown criminals to find!

Illegal Alien Charged With Raping Pre-Teen

Jan 9, 2007 12:42 PM

By Adam Walser

BAY MINETTE-- An illegal alien is behind bars in Baldwin County, charged with raping a young child.

Investigators the case involved a man having a sexual relationship with a girl who was too young.

Mexican immigrants who come to Alabama often discover cultural differences.

Maricela Mendez was 15 when she married an older man in Mexico and got pregnant.

"My mom didn't know him," Mendez said. "He came to work in my town. We became boyfriend and girlfriend and a little bit later got married."

You can get married in Mexico at age 13, but Salvador Nava's victim was even younger.

Nava is charged with first degree rape in connection with a relationship he admitted to investigators that he had with a young girl.

He faces possible life in prison.

"In this case, him being 20 and she being under the age of 12. There's a pretty big gap," said Lt. John Murphy of the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office. "Those gaps are sometimes accepted in other cultures. "

Local immigrants told Fox Ten News it is illegal for older men to have sex with younger children in Mexico, but those laws are not often enforced.

"It's not like here when they're under 18," said a recent immigrant working at a local business. "In Mexico, they leave them alone. It happens often."

It's starting to happen here within some segments of the Hispanic population.

"We did have a case with a pre-teen who was pregnant and unmarried and living in a situation that was awful," said Michelle Prockup, director of Catholic Social Services of Baldwin County.

Prockup says education is the key to stopping it.

"We need to provide some sort of opportunity for people to learn about our laws and learn about our culture," she said.

In Mexico it's more often up to families than police to establish boundaries.

Carmen Velasquez has an 11-year-old daughter.

"I would not let her date a 20-year-old," Velasquez said. "We notice and ask how old the person is. If I see that the man is too old and the girl is too young, she shouldn't pay him attention. "

"These individuals are here. They are under the criminal code that we have here and as they're living here, they're responsible for living up to those things," said Lt. Murphy.

Nava is currently being held under a $25,000 bond

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