Thursday, November 16, 2006

R.I.P. - Economist Milton Friedman has died.

Not often can someone say they "love" an economist, but like most of America, I loved Milton Friedman. My first introduction to economic beliefs came from Friedman. He was practical, logical and all American.

I recall a cspan roundtable meeting in the early '90's, a discussion about NAFTA. Friedman had been invited by his former student, Dick Army. Unfortunately Army didn't put in practice the things he should have learned from Friedman.

As Milton stated," NAFTA is NOT free trade, it is managed trade"

He despised our welfare system, [paraphrasing] "We wrongly, collectively say to an unmarried pregnant teenager...don't get married, we'll set you up with an apartment, feed you, take care of you with tax dollars!"

Thank you Milton Friedman, for trying to teach us what we should know!

Milton Friedman, economist, has died from USA Today

Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman has died at age 94, the Associated Press reports, citing a spokesman for the Milton & D. Rose Friedman foundation as its source.

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