Thursday, October 05, 2006

Vasquez challenges Craig for U.S. Senate in 2008- GOOD NEWS!

Sen. Larry Craig (R) Idaho, has had one theme during the immigration debate....MORE illegal workers! And he wants them to have amnesty, be forgiven for their crimes and not bothered with background checks. Sen. Craig is heavily financed by big agriculture. Robert Vasquez needs our support. WE CAN change the corrupt senate. JUST DO IT!

10/04/2006 Associated Press

An outspoken Idaho county commissioner is getting a two-year head start on his bid for U.S. Senate.

Canyon County Commissioner Robert Vasquez, known for his battles against illegal immigration, announced Wednesday that he would be challenging fellow Republican U.S. Sen. Larry Craig in the 2008 election. Vasquez said he was taking on Craig — now in his third term as a U.S. senator — in part because of Craig's stance on immigration reform.

Vasquez also said he needed to start early to raise enough money to take on Craig.

"It's going to take at least a year to try to generate a million dollars, which is what I anticipate it's going to cost," Vasquez said. "Certainly Sen. Craig has a considerable war chest at his proposal and I assume he has greater access to corporate PAC money than I ever will."

Craig has promoted an immigration plan that would allow some of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants already in the United States to apply for citizenship if they meet certain requirements, including having been in the country at least two years and having paid taxes. Vasquez has condemned such plans, saying they give amnesty to those in the country illegally.

Craig's spokesman, Dan Whiting, said Craig had not yet decided if he would run in 2008 and instead was focused on offering support for colleagues in the 2006 election.

"He is more than happy to engage all of his opponents on the issues after that," Whiting said. "He hopes that his fellow Republicans will also focus on that election rather than an election that's two years away."

Vasquez said he would continue to push for stricter enforcement action against illegal immigration. The commissioner has gained national attention for his unusual approach to the problem, heading up unsuccessful efforts that included sending a bill to the Mexican government for what he claimed was the cost of incarcerating illegal immigrants in Canyon County and attempting to sue local businesses under federal anti-racketeering laws, alleging they had hired illegal workers.

"If there is someone in Idaho that doesn't know my stand on illegal immigration, they're either new here or they haven't been paying attention," Vasquez said.

Vasquez said that if elected, he would push for the United States to either withdraw from Iraq or drastically change its strategy so that soldiers are no longer deployed two and three times.

"We need to re-evaluate our strategy, manpower requirements and go in there without politically correct rules of engagement," Vasquez said. "I'm not advocating for one, but I would support a draft or withdrawing from the war. We can't continue to fight as it is."

Vasquez also took aim at Bill Sali, the Republican candidate for the 1st Congressional District who defeated Vasquez in a six-way primary election. Sali took nearly 26 percent of the vote, Vasquez took 18.5 percent. The commissioner said that if both he and Sali end up representing Idaho at the nation's capital, he would not work with Sali on any legislation.

"I would have no problem working with any other member of Idaho's delegation," Vasquez said. "I cannot in my wildest imaging contemplate any issue that Bill Sali would champion that would be beneficial to Idaho or the United States of America instead of big business corporations."

Sali told The Associated Press that he would like to invite Vasquez to "come join the Sali for Congress team and help make sure that this seat remains in Republican hands."

"I guess my position is that I intend to work very closely with all of the Idaho delegation in representing Idaho and doing what's best for the people," Sali said.

Sali, a state lawmaker from Kuna, faces Larry Grant, a Fruitland Democrat and former executive at Micron Technology Inc., in the November election.

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