Thursday, October 12, 2006

Outrage of the Day- Mystery Graffiti Vigilante Could Face Arrest

Remember now, Portland, Or is an illegal alien sancturay city!

Mystery Graffiti Vigilante Could Face Arrest

PORTLAND (Or)- Portland City Hall wants to find a man considered a vigilante for his campaign to discourage graffiti.

The man, who goes by the names "Pete" and "Nascar Dad" on an Internet blog, covers up the work of graffiti taggers and then posts before and after photos on his Web site.

City regulators say they do not know his identity, as his Web site does not include contact information. But they need to explain to him that what he is doing actually hurts their efforts and could wind up landing him in trouble.

Portland's graffiti abatement coordinator Marcia Dennis says he's covering it up "before we can document it."

Officer Matt Miller oversees graffiti prevention. "If he doesn't stop, we're going to try to find him and arrest him," he said.

Portland spends about $210,000 a year preventing and removing graffiti.


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