Friday, August 04, 2006

Wake UP America! Immigration news

The Wake Up America Foundation and radio program are a wealth of information. Here are a few of the stories they list for today.

Don Teague - NBC News
Dallas Hospital Cares for Illegal Immigrants
Parkland Memorial Hospital — the same iconic institution where doctors tried to save John F. Kennedy in 1963 — is today where tens of thousands of illegal immigrants receive taxpayer subsidized care. “Whether they come from this country or somewhere else, doesn’t matter how I treat them,” says Richard Benson, a doctor at Parkland Hospital. The most common patients here are expectant mothers. Each year about 16,000 babies are born at Parkland. The hospital estimates about 70 percent of them are delivered by undocumented mothers.

* George Putnam -
One Reporter's Opinion: Our Shocking Vulnerability
It is this reporter's opinion that if the following story – revealed in testimony before the Senate Finance Committee concerning the vulnerability of our borders with Mexico and Canada – won't shock you, nothing will. Our own U.S. undercover investigators have repeatedly entered the United States using fake documents; in some cases, Homeland Security agents didn't ask for identification. At nine border crossings, on the Mexican and Canadian borders, U.S. agents never questioned the authenticity of counterfeit documents, according to Government Accountability Office (GAO) testimony.

* Stephen Dinan - The washington Times
Bush Tells Hill to 'Do Its Duty' on Immigration Bill
President Bush squarely countered his legislative critics on immigration yesterday, telling the Congress to "do its duty" by passing a bill that includes a guest-worker program and a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. "I understand this border," Mr. Bush said, standing just yards from the U.S.-Mexico border at Anzalduas County Park. He proclaimed success on his pledge to dispatch 6,000 National Guard troops to the border states by Tuesday to help the U.S. Border Patrol and said it is making a dent in illegal entry. But he also said that enforcement alone isn't enough to stem the flow and that a program for future temporary workers is needed.

* John McClaughry - The Washington Times
Illegal Alien Downsizing
Perhaps the most difficult problem of immigration policy is how to cope with the 11 million to 20 million illegal aliens already in this country. This number includes not just unattached working age males but millions of spouses, children and aged relatives. Some have been here illegally for decades, either on false documentation or simply in the shadows beyond the reach of the law. Deporting illegals apprehended within the country is difficult. The courts have held that apprehended aliens have due process rights, and legal aid organizations are ready to provide assistance. Since apprehended illegals not wanted for a crime (other than illegal entry) cannot in practice be detained until the legal process plays out, they are commonly released on their own recognizance, quickly to disappear from view.

* Associated Press
Immigration Bills Proposed
Two top Republican state legislators said Thursday they intend to introduce bills that would crack down on illegal immigration and make the topic an issue in the November elections. The legislative package, dubbed the Ohio Workforce Protection and Illegal Alien Enforcement Act, is vague on details. But hearings could begin in September on bills that would limit state-assistance programs for illegal immigrants and create an investigative unit to probe Ohio companies that employ illegals, said Senate President Bill Harris, R-Ashland. ``We have to respond to the kinds of things that voters feel their government is not doing for them, and this is one of the things that we feel is important to respond to,'' said House Speaker Jon Husted.

* Mike Drummond - Pew Research Center
Complaint: Firings benefited Hispanics
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a federal discrimination complaint against a Charlotte supermarket on Thursday, accusing the store of firing workers because they were not Hispanic. In its complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Charlotte, the EEOC claims that in 2004, Compare Foods fired three longtime employees -- two of whom are black and one white -- from its North Tryon Street store and replaced them with Hispanic workers. The issue strikes at sub-surface tension between two of America's largest minority groups, as Hispanics continue to make dramatic population gains. "As our nation undergoes demographic shifts, employers must be mindful not to target any specific group for discrimination because they prefer workers of a different race or nationality," Lynette Barnes, the EEOC's Charlotte regional attorney, said in a statement.

* Associated Press
Bush Discusses Immigration During Visit to Mexican Border
President Bush got a firsthand look Thursday at ways the government fights illegal immigration and said that securing the border with Mexico will require more people and modern technology. For Bush's arrival at the airport in nearby McAllen, Texas, the Border Patrol had set up several tools it uses on patrol -- helicopters, a boat and a small plane. Then the president's motorcade took him past waving residents lined up along the streets of Mission to a point about a half-mile from the border. He looked at a "skybox" -- a small box equipped with infrared technology that can be raised in the air so that agents can get a view of busy crossing points. He also petted some of the horses used by agents on the ground.

* Rachel Swarns - The New York Times
In Georgia, Immigrants Unsettle Old Sense of Place
For generations, people here have savored the predictable cadences of small-town living. They knew their neighbors and their neighbors neighbors, the sweet sound of Sunday church mornings and the rumble of tractors tilling the rich soil. And they knew that most outsiders would drive right through this blue-collar community of tidy bungalows and mobile homes, without stopping or settling, on their way to bigger, busier places. Then Mexican immigrants started streaming in. Lured in the 1990s by abundant agricultural work and new manufacturing jobs, the newcomers landed in a town with one traffic light, no tortillas in the supermarket and residents who stared openly at foreigners in a county that saw its last wave of immigrants in the 1850s.

* Rep. John Hostettler - National Review Online
In Over Our Heads
“Illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans won’t do”. For those who advocate a so-called guestworker program for illegal immigrants, this is their mantra of choice. Yet numerous experts have concluded that this is simply not the case. Research by the Center for Labor Market Studies and the Center for Immigration Studies, for example, indicates that American citizens in the construction and labor sectors are actually being displaced by illegal immigration in large numbers. American citizens are essentially being told to wait in line for a job behind illegal immigrants.

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