Monday, August 14, 2006

Recent Statistics on "Hard-Working" Illegal Immigrants - Read it and weap!

By William H. Calhoun (08/11/2006)

The vast majority of illegal immigrants in America are Mexican, who were once proverbial for laziness and crime, but now are championed by the liberal media (NY Times) and neoconservative media (Wall Street Journal) as “hard-working Americans.”

Statistics, however, show otherwise. A recent study by the Pew Hispanic Center reveals the following:

NOTE!!! We are unable to find the Pew Study referred to and have contacted the author of this article. We will advise you as to the outcome of our queries!

Message from the author 8/18/06

The statistics are reprinted in the Citizens Informer
(Vol. 37), April - June 2006, in the article "Will
Illegal Immigrants Become Good Citizens?"

You may request a free copy of this paper at:

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