Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hear discussions on MCDC Border Fence/fundraising

Good News! The WakeUpAmerica Radio Show with Mark Edwards is back on the air! This is the program that Jim Gilchrist announced his intention to form the MinuteManProject.

At the Archive link you will find audio of the broadcasts below and many others. They are well worth a listen!

July 19, 2006:
Mark Edwards interviews Glen Spencer. Glen talks about what's "still" missing along the US / Mexican border.

July 26, 2006:
Mark Edwards & Terry Anderson shared thoughts with callers about the SAVE program and "Border Scams." They warned listeners to use caution when donating to groups claiming to be fighting for America and our sovereignty.

From WakeUpAmerica

The Broadcast is Back !!

UNITED WE STAND! Thanks so much to everyone's patriotic support, The Wake Up America broadcast returns to the air on KLAV, 1230AM, Las Vegas. Wake Up America will resume broadcasting on Thursday, September 7th for a 2 hour broadcast beginning at 8pm. This broadcast will stream live on the internet. Listeners will have 4 local lines with 1 toll free line for national internet listeners. Steve Eichler, executive director from The Minuteman Project will host with Mark Edwards, Founder of The Wake Up America Foundation, co-hosting live from Wisconsin! Let everybody know that Wake Up America can be heard every Thursday night, 8 to 10pm, PT, on KLAV, 1230AM and internet stream.

WAKE UP AMERICA!! More than 2 years and 500 broadcasts have succeeded in waking up more Americans to the Illegal Alien Invasion, this awakening must continue. It is vital to our safety, security, sovereignty, freedoms, and most importantly, our children.

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