Sunday, August 20, 2006

Did you contribute to the MCDC/Simcox Fence? Refund bonanza!

According to poster Buckaroo on the Liberty Forum there is NO problem with the fence project being handled by Diener Associates/MCDC/Simcox. In fact, Buckeroo claims to know all the players and defends their non action in answering this one question:

What percentage of donations for the security fence actually go to that project?

Buckaroo answers this way:

I do. All of the donations specifically earmarked for the effort.

buckeroo posted on 2006-08-19

"Earmarked" ?

So, maybe MCDC will tell you how they "earmark" donations. Buckeroo can't.

Buckaroo has made the following pledge IF you can get your donation returned from MCDC.

If the issue about all your friends lost trust in you concerning their donations towards the effort is of any merit, ask for a prompt cash refund.
Upon receipt and authentication I shall personally quadruple the sum.

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