Friday, June 09, 2006

Silence on illegals speaking volumes- American deaths

More American deaths EVERY YEAR by illegal aliens than killed in Iraq war!

Silence on illegals speaking volumes

Shocking. Horrifying. Atlanta, June 8, 2006 A 9-year-old boy is axed in the head on a beautiful summer evening just blocks from where I grew up in Sandy Springs.

Police believe they shot and killed the perpetrator of this atrocity after a chase and a fight, but they're still looking for a "red car with a wobbly wheel" whose passengers also may be involved. What really happened and why a child would be the target of such ruthlessness is still speculation at the time of my deadline.

On a previous night, a newlywed couple enjoys a horse-drawn carriage ride near the Marietta Square. Usually idyllic, the evening gives way to blood and pain as an old minivan rams them and the man driving escapes into the night, unwilling to heed four victims' cries for help.

In east Cobb, two men stalk a mom after puncturing her tire at a bank. Just minutes later, she feels lucky to have escaped with her life after her money is taken on the side of the road.
In the parking lot of a local jewelry store, South American gang members conduct surveillance on unsuspecting traveling salespeople, who'll soon be victims of their increasingly violent heists. Atlanta now ranks sixth in the nation for these multi-million dollar interstate crimes.

Add up all of these recent news stories and more, and the common denominator among them is that the bad guys are routinely able to find a safe haven among illegal immigrant communities surging in metro Atlanta.

Conversations I've had recently with law enforcement officials point to this being one of their biggest frustrations on the job - one felt for years. Meanwhile, Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin signed a City Council resolution last month saying Atlanta police should not be required to enforce immigration laws, or even detain illegals charged with criminal acts, unless the city receives "sufficient reimbursement" to do so.

According to Perry McGuire, the GOP candidate for attorney general in Georgia, this resolution is tough on our police. "The City of Atlanta is now holding law enforcement hostage to the compensation issue," he said in a recent Atlanta Business Chronicle op-ed piece.

As if this "don't ask, don't tell" craziness isn't bad enough, locating the bad guys is getting tougher each day, say friends in the trenches. Most illegal immigrant criminals don't have a lease or driver's license and stay in enclaves where false identities are the norm. They're often used to a culture of violence, especially if they're from places like El Salvador (witness the rise of violent machete-wielding gangs like MS-13).

"They hit and run like guerilla fighters," I'm told, using our porous borders as a revolving door.

So my question for Shirley Franklin and others going easy on illegals is this: Where are the liberal voices raised against criminal atrocities in our own cities?

The silence is deafening.

More on this story:

Atlanta-AP) June 6, 2006 - A Fulton County police officer shot and killed a man after a child was killed with an ax. Fulton County police spokesman Gary Syblis says authorities were called to the scene where a nine-year-old child was found outside with an ax in his face Monday evening.

Police said the man they killed - 22-year-old Santos Cabrera of Sandy Springs - has a criminal record. For most of the day Tuesday, authorities said they were sure Cabrera was the man who struck the child. Late Tuesday, though, Atlanta Police Lieutenant Dexter White said authorities were unsure and were still investigating.

The boy, Jordan Paulder, was playing with two other children outside an apartment complex when a car pulled up around 8:20pm Monday. According to a police report, the boy called out to the people in the car to say that something was wrong with one of the vehicle's wheels.

The report says one of the occupants of the car then made an obscene gesture. When the boy tried to tell the people he was just trying to help them, a man got out of the car and struck him in the face with an ax.

While on the scene, an officer approached a man who was acting suspiciously. The man ran across the street to an apartment complex, where he threw a tire at the officer, breaking the officer's arm.

Syblis says the man then came at the officer, swinging a piece of metal. That's when the officer opened fire, shooting the suspect three times. The man died at a hospital. Paulder also died after being taken to the hospital. s=4997424

Deaths of Americans/ A day without illegal Aliens
From Cong. Steve King
What would that May 1st look like without illegal immigration? There would be no one to smuggle across our southern border the heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines that plague the United States, reducing the U.S. supply of meth that day by 80%. The lives of 12 U.S. citizens would be saved who otherwise die a violent death at the hands of murderous illegal aliens each day. Another 13 Americans would survive who are otherwise killed each day by uninsured drunk driving illegals. Our hospital emergency rooms would not be flooded with everything from gunshot wounds, to anchor babies, to imported diseases to hangnails, giving American citizens the day off from standing in line behind illegals. Eight American children would not suffer the horror as a victim of a sex crime. (That is every day!! by an illegal alien)

On the negative side, the price of a pound of tomatoes might go up from $0.79 to $0.80. That is unless you have a garden. But I'm guessing that the Mexican drug lords are not taking May 1st off. Neither will the 11,000 illegal invaders that pour over our border every other day of the year. ."[SNIP ]


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