Monday, May 01, 2006

Posts of the Day-Best of the Web

If we could go back in time and just let the Mexicans have what they now call Aztlan, it would be no better off than the rest of Mexico and we would still have millions of illegals coming accross our southern Nebraska border.

9 posted on 05/01/2006 6:34:42 PM PDT by umgud
From the Mexican National Anthem:
But should a foreign enemy dare to
profane your land with his sole,
Think, beloved fatherland, that heaven
gave you a soldier in each son.

Interesting double standard they display.
96 posted on 04/30/2006 9:09:22 PM PDT by Mojave


From police Radio in Santa Anna 5/1/06 9:30 pm (If you're inclined to do so, please pray for our law enforcement officers and innocent bystanders)

Didn't get the loc, but they are reporting large crowds gridlocking traffic, hundreds in the streets, LEOs still taking rocks........


LEO keying mike, asking for assist, background noise screaming and yelling, honking...Loud...

Posted by Joe Hadenuf

Protests Close Down Bridge

POSTED: 7:15 pm MDT May 1, 2006

Janice Carpio, KFOX News at Nine

Heated arguments weren't the only problems during Monday's protests. Along the Bridge of the Americas, traffic came to a halt. Tempers flared, but for the most part things were peaceful. The real problems began as marchers got closer to the Americas Bridge. "Look across the border there's more people over there supporting us as well, we are united," said protestor Areli Enciso.

The bridge was blocked a good 15 to 20 minutes as traffic was backed up even longer. An 18-wheeler got stuck in the midst of the march. Some protestors like Enciso considered this part of their statement. "They are going to see our presence and they are going to see that we have the voice to be here," he said.

Though no violence occurred, not everyone agrees with how the protest was handled.

"I don't think it's right. It's sending the wrong message to our leaders in the Capitol, anyone in the United States must support economic growth not economic depression," said Salvador Gomez.

Gomez said there are other ways to fight for immigrant rights, " Go to work, make a wage, pay your taxes, do it legally, the legal way is the only way and I cannot support something that has illegal bases."

About 100 El Paso police officers and supervisors were present for traffic control.

According to a recent Pew Hispanic Center study, 7.2 million illegal immigrants hold jobs in the United States making up 4.9 percent of the overall workforce.

They also make up 24 percent of farm workers and 14 percent of construction workers. ( Thanks Fitz!)


One of my favorite bumper stickers:

I found Jesus - hiding in my trunk when I came back from Tijuana.

JackelopeBreeder posted on 2006-05-02

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