Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Posts of the Day-Best of the Web

To: NormsRevenge

Dear Lord, please give the US strength to withstand this insanity. We can accept some, but this is too much for any country to bear.

23 posted on 01/13/2006 10:32:04 PM PST by steel_resolve
Mexico: Making Iran look like our best friend.

20 posted on 01/17/2006 9:14:30 AM PST by madison10

15. To: AuntB (#12)
Funny how Walmart uses Vicente Fox's same PR firm: Wal-Mart's Super push gets a happy new look To create the mailers, Wal-Mart used Allyn & Co., which also has launched media campaigns for politicos such as Mexican President Vicente Fox and President Bush.

Point by point, the flier seeks to refute resident concerns about undesirable jobs (most are full-time positions with benefits), value to the city (the store will bring $4 million in new tax revenue), and traffic (the company will provide $1 million in road improvements).

fitz posted on 2006-01-14 12:15:41 ET


U.S. ambassador Tony Garza to Mexico urges Mexicans to respect America's right to protect its borders

"Some have said a border fence violates human rights and have even compared it to the Berlin Wall," Garza said. "Comparisons of proposals to alter our border policies to the Berlin Wall are not only disingenuous and intellectually dishonest, they are personally offensive to me."


If I could be a Super Hero....

If I could be a super hero........
I'd be Immigration Dude,
I'd send all the foreigners back to their homes
for eating up all of our food!
And taking our welfare and best jobs to boot,
like landscaping, dishwashing, picking our fruit,
I'd pass a lot of laws to get rid of their brood,
'cause I'd be Immigration Dude!

Stand up Comedian Stephen Lynch

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