Friday, January 13, 2006

News you missed - Immigration

Bush Stops at Home Depot as Reward to Generous GOP Donor

Of note is an old item we recently came across. There's been recent news of day labor centers, usually at the Home Depots. We live in interesting times.

President Bush made two stops in Maryland on Friday. First came a big-ticket fundraiser in Baltimore. Then he delivered a speech on the economy to workers at a Home Depot in nearby Halethorpe.

Bush's appearance at the home improvement store baffled locals. On Wednesday, The Sun in Baltimore headlined a story on the upcoming visit to the town in southwest Baltimore County. Titled "A Presidential Mystery."

Research by Public Citizen suggests the president's visit is a way to reward the nation's second-largest retailer for its generosity to the Bush campaign and the Republican Party. Home Depot employees and their families have given $1.5 million to the GOP since 1999. During that time, no candidate has benefited from Home Depot's largesse more than Bush. +++++++++++++++++

December 3, 2004
Political Mailing List Debate Drags On

...The Bush-Cheney campaign violated federal election law by accepting a list of 592 personal contacts, marked confidential, from Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) and its leader Grover Norquist, a Federal Election Commission report found last month. But FEC lawyers asserted that because of the list's "limited size and scope" the agency should take no further action and close the file.

And this just in to CNN.
A jury in New York today convicted a Pakistani man of trying to help an al Qaeda terrorist to slip past U.S. Custom officials. The man was found guilty of providing material support to terrorists and other charges. He could face up to 75 years in prison when he is sentenced in March next year.
aired 11.23.05

U.S. Detains 38 Iraqis At Mexican Border


By BEN FOX, Associated Press Writer

SAN DIEGO (AP) - American authorities detained 38 Iraqis on Wednesday after they tried to walk across the Mexican border and into the United States, apparently seeking asylum from religious persecution.

The adults and children arrived at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, which links San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico, in small groups without visas to enter the country, said Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

All were being held at the world's busiest border crossing while the INS awaited translators to determine whether the Iraqis qualify to enter the United States, Mack said. (snip)

"The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all."
- John F. Kennedy


"If a man is going to be an American at all let him be so without any qualifying adjectives."


"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first." ~ Ronald Reagan


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