Wednesday, January 25, 2006

California Dreamin' (the illegal invasion)

(reprise) DFU SONG: California Dreamin' (the illegal invasion)
DFU SONGS | 1-2006 | Lyrics, Doug from Upland

Posted on 01/24/2006 6:21:12 PM PST by doug from upland


Half a million more…just sneaked in today
I called INS…to see what they’d say
They said they're not worried…it will all be okay
California’s screamin’…why aren’t they sent away

I went to a store…I go to everyday
And I couldn’t understand…a word they had to say
Please tell me what is going on…do it without delay
California’s screamin’…why aren’t they sent away

(musical interlude)

Gangs are in the streets…everywhere I go
While La Raza chants…”This is Mexico!”
I am really startled…I am in dismay
California’s screamin’…why aren’t they sent away
Why aren't they sent away…why aren't the sent away

1 comment:

  1. What part of "illegal" don't you get? My ancestors were Cherokee and we are getting tired of being invaded by those who seem to know how we should live our lives!
