Saturday, December 17, 2005

Congress to President Bush: Enforce Immigration law!

Dec. 17, 2005 7:20 pacific

One of the overlooked highlights of HR4437, the border security act passed by the House of representatives on 12/16/05 was an amendment by Cong. Sam Johnson (R-Tex). There were no objections to the amendment during debate, but only unanimous voice consensus that our immigration laws are not being enforced by the current administration.

Rep. Johnson eloquently outlined the numerous laws that are being ignored for political expediency by the Bush White House. There were many including the failure of agencies to talk among each other, share information to apprehend criminal aliens, to enforce employment laws, etc.

Barring the act itself and this amendment being diluted by the Senate to morph into an amnesty, the peoples house has spoken.

Mr. President, it is the will of the people and their elected representatives, that you must no longer selectively choose which laws you will enforce. Uphold your oath of office.

H.AMDT.640 (A003)
Amends: H.R.4437
Sponsor: Rep Johnson, Sam [TX-3] (offered 12/15/2005)

An amendment numbered 3 printed in part B of House Report 109-347

To express the sense of Congress that the President, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Secretary of Homeland Security and other Department Secretaries should immediately use every tool available to them to enforce the immigration laws of the U.S., as enacted by Congress.


12/15/2005 7:02pm:
Amendment (A003) offered by Mr. Johnson, Sam. (consideration: CR H11839-11842; text: CR H11839)
12/15/2005 7:11pm:
On agreeing to the Johnson, Sam amendment (A003) Agreed to by voice vote.

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