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Thursday, April 03, 2008


Absolut Reconquista Update: Coming to a billboard near you?

By Michelle Malkin • April 2, 2008 09:55 PM

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The beverage of open-borders used to be Miller Light. Now, it is Absolut Vodka. The vodka maker’s latest ad redraws the map of North America to please Mexican consumers. (Hat tip - Snapped Shot and Jim Hoft).

Reconquista? What reconquista? Oh, yeah. That reconquista:


I hear McCain campaign advisor Juan Hernandez and Hillary campaign advisor Dolores Huerta both approve.

Bottoms up!


The “In An Absolut World” ad campaign site is here. It's a straightforward, classic appeal to Mexican machismo - "Drink Absolut and you'll be the kind of man who will win back for Mexico the lands the gringos stole from you."

Tell "Absolut" what you think here:


Mr. Reconquista, Show me yours and I'll show you mine!


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